User Interfaces

The features listed below may be accessed via a variety of interfaces as well as programmatically. At the moment the user interfaces that have been implemented are:

  • Apache Ant tasks.
  • Maven plugin.

At some stage the following interfaces may be added, please contact me if you would like to contribute:

  • JBuilder plugin.
  • NetBeans plugin.
  • Standalone Swing GUI.
  • Standalone .NET GUI.

Current Features

The following is a brief overview of the existing features:

  • Export any database schema for which there is a suitable JDBC driver into an XML format.
  • Compare two database schemas that were already exported or by connecting to them dynamically.
  • Create the Data Definition Language scripts to modify one schema to match another, based on the differences.
  • Install a database schema into an empty database (from either online XML source).
  • Export data from a database in XML format, including simple pattern-matching to specify the tables to export.
  • Create a set of insert statements from the exported XML data file.
  • Tools to create a .dar file from the individual schema and data files.

Future Features

The following is a brief overview of the planned features:

  • Migrate an existing database to match a reference schema (either online or in XML format).
  • Import CSV data into a database.
  • Import XML data into a database.
  • Ant task to install a .dar file.
  • Struts plugin to install a .dar file at server start.
  • Support for stored procedures / functions.
  • Tool to validate a .dar file.