Uses of Class

Packages that use SchemaHandlingException
org.enableit.db.darrt API This is the primary package of the Darrt library providing the functionality to create and deploy .dar files. 

Uses of SchemaHandlingException in org.enableit.db.darrt

Subclasses of SchemaHandlingException in org.enableit.db.darrt
 class DarHandlingException
          General exception for use by this library's classes when communicating exceptions.
 class TempSchemaHandlingException

Methods in org.enableit.db.darrt that throw SchemaHandlingException
protected  org.enableit.db.beans.Database AbstractSchemaHandler.getDatabase(org.enableit.db.beans.Provider provider)
          Extracts a database schema from a JDBC URL by infering the database type and driver name.
 java.util.List AbstractSchemaHandler.diffSchemas()
          Returns the differences between the reference and target schemas as a List of DiffData objects.
 java.util.Map DataHandler.export()
          Export data from the data source and table patterns configured.
 void DDLFactory.install(java.sql.Connection conn, org.enableit.db.darrt.beans.DiffData diff)
          Install the necessary changes in the provider database to eliminate the differences in the diffs parameter.
 void SchemaHandler.createSchema()
          Creates the reference schema at the location identified first by the provider parameter or if null by the provider details inside the target schema.
 void SchemaHandler.alterSchema()
          Compares the reference and target schemas, then modifies the target as necessary to match the reference.
 void SchemaHandler.changeTarget()
          Changes the target database defined by the reference schema XML document to the values held in the target provider.

Uses of SchemaHandlingException in org.enableit.db.darrt.visualise

Methods in org.enableit.db.darrt.visualise that throw SchemaHandlingException
 org.w3c.dom.Document SchemaViz.toSVG( reader)

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