Package org.enableit.db

API This package contains general database utility classes that are employed within Darrt but may also be used alone.


Class Summary
AbstractDBUtility Base class for utilities that need to connect to database.
Column Represent a database column.
ConnectionFactory Deprecated. This is just the legacy code, things of ongoing use are in the new ancestor.
ConnFactory Factory for database connections.
ConvertUtils Deprecated. Use org.apache.commons.beanutils.ConvertUtils.register()
DatabaseProxy Proxy class to wrap database access in a simple form.
DataLoader Deprecated. Functionality consolidated into org.enableit.db.darrt.DataHandler
DataSourceProxy Proxy class to wrap database access in a simple form.
DateConverter Deprecated. This is a desperate (and temporary) hack.
DBFilter Provides an encapsulated means to extend a SQL statement's WHERE clause.
DBPersistenceManager Deprecated. Experimental class now evolved into the ShapeShifter classes in package
DBStatement Common ancestor for both queries and updates.
DBUpdate Encapsulate the information required to perform a database update, (includes deletes and data definition statements).
DBUtils Provides utilities to be used in conjunction with the database proxies.
GenericDBProxy Proxy class to wrap any java application database access in a simple form
SqlEncoder Ensure special characters are escaped before issuing SQL statements.
SqlType This class has a primary purpose of representing a null value to be inserted into some SQL call handled by the proxy objects
XMLProxy Simple utilities for constructing XML.

Exception Summary
DBException General exception for use by this library's classes when communicating exceptions.

Package org.enableit.db Description

API This package contains general database utility classes that are employed within Darrt but may also be used alone.

API: This package forms part of the library's API and every effort will be made to ensure backwards compatibility will be maintained.

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